So I am a huge fan of the hit show "Scandal" created by Shonda Rhimes. She is also the creator of Greys Anatomy and Private Practice.
Here above is Shonda in the middle, Kerry Washington the star of the show on the right and Shonda's inspiration for the character Judy Smith.
My favorite character is Olivia Pope and I think they picked the perfect actress to play her, none other that Kerry Washington. I like the fact that Olivia is this powerful, successful, fearless, confident black woman. This empowers black women and will give some something to aspire to, which is a great thing. For instance Olivia plays a woman who worked in the white house and was the presidents right hand woman (person).
In reality American political scientist and diplomat,
Condoleezza Rice served as the 66th United States Secretary of State, and was the second person to hold that office in the administration of President George Bush. Rice was the first female African-American secretary of state, as well as the second African American (after Colin Powell), and the second woman (after Medeline Albright).....Now isn't that success as a black woman something to aspire to?
The storyline has Olivia Pope and the President (Fitz) having an affair
which they end in the second season (S02EO4).
Now I'm a person who
doesn't believe in adultery but the concept that the President could be
having an affair is not that hard to believe. Having said that I would
not like to think the current president would have had one (which I
doubt he has), but many things in life fail to shock me. Anyways
although I do not believe in adultery I do love Olivia and Fitz
together. Having said that I like the president and the first lady
Millie together when she's not being a bitch and he's not being a
vicious towards her. In those rare moments they are beautiful together
but in their relationship Millie and Fitz have probably had to sacrifice
a lot more than most couples due to his career and politics.
I also like Hawk the troubled (former assasin...i think) who works for Olivia. I love the mystery behind his character and the dark thing about him. Part of me wanted him and Olivia to hook up as they seem like the would work....hmmm interesting I know.
The character Quinn Perkins is one I had to warm to as she was annoying me at first but since she came out from jail and stood up for herself to Abby who's been getting on ma damn nerves, I am liking her more.
The only thing that is slightly annoying me is where the story of "Olivia and Fitz" is going. So I am a Grey's Anatomy fan, which is another of Shonda Rhimes shows which I still watch today and have seen every single episode. But although I am a fan I hated the storyline of Meredith Grey and Derick Shepherd as times. It was like Shonda did not want the characters to be happy and longed out their relationship though Addision, Fin (the vet), George (disaster) and Rose.

I just hope that is Scandal has a run as long as Grey's has done that they are not longing out Olivia and Fitz's relationship. I hope she allows both characters to be happy with each other or without each other.What I have also found is that Shonda has characters such as Addison Forbes Montgomery-Shepherd, introduced at the end of Season 1 (i think). When introduced she is a strong woman who as the seasons progress becomes this weak woman. Why? We loved Addison....the strong...confident Addie!!! Again I hope that Olivia the strong, self sufficient, confident, powerful woman does not fade into a distant memory. #
Anyways to all those who have not seen SCANDAL you need to watch it....and you will not be disappointed.