
Loving who I am...Black & Beautiful

Monday, 26 November 2012


So I went away for the weekend, back home to see my family and when i was there i took out my hair extensions and just had my natural hair. Everyone who know me well knows that I since my big chop I have yet to be comfortable enough with my hair  to go out into public "natural". So once ready to head back to university I put on my wig (one of them) and headed back.

straight lace wig...

side view of wig.

So the response to my hair was a good one, not that it matted what they thought it was just nice to know as I am not confident with my natural hair. Most were shocked as it made me look so different just like when they saw me with the hair above....they were a little shocked as they had only seen my hair one way. I think that's why i like wigs because i have the ability to change my appearance, the way people see me and that is some what powerful. Funniest moments had to be a guy in my class who asked my flatmate (were on the same course) where I was, and she said I was in the lecture. He then says where and when she points me out he does a double take and says oh okay as he did not recognize me at all. I don't think I look that different.....do I? Honestly I did feel nervous when i walked into my lecture and people stared at me and i was so self conscious where as I wasn't before. Yes I know i look different but you don't have to stare at me....just saying.
             Second one had to be my flatmate (who is a guy) who thought my hair was the same hair as before just taken out of plaits.....seriously? Okay he's so funny but honestly he is a young whit guy who doesn't have many black friends (or people living in his area), or lived with a black woman, so I do not expect him to know anything or much about the ins and outs of black women and their hair.
Currently wearing a wig and I have two more (curly ones) so imma change them daily and see if he knows the difference :) LOL....I know I'm so bad but hes response is just so funny. I can just imagine his face when he sees my natural hair.......:)

hair out before I put the wig on....

Sunday, 25 November 2012


trebel clef music note on left ankle 

butterfly with the word "Free"

I am a lover of music and have a passion for it.

This tattoo is a butterfly with the word "Free" underneath symbolizing that i am free from all pain and anything else I feel. The symbol in the word will give me strength in a tough and trying time.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Changing around my uni room :)

Are you even allowed to do that? Oh well who cares I already did it!
So at home I am usually changing around my room every couple of months and so I decided as the bed and other things were not bolted down I was going to shake things up a little. So below is how the room was when I arrived, minus all my lovely accessories.

original room

Now once I had changed around the room I noticed that It gave the room more floor space and was easier to move around in. After changing it I definitely sure I will leave it like this as I personally prefer it this way, look wise and for space. I like that if I want to practice some salsa moves there is enough space as before I would have hurt myself due to the lack of space. Added bonus is that now all my shoes fit in one straight line and I'm not accidentally stepping on them :) yay :)
Before it was very hard for me to watch my TV when I wanted to and funny enough since being here I don't use the tv so much but I like the option of it being here so I can watch it when I want to. Now with my head near the wall I can sit back, relax and watch movies when I want to in COMFORT.
re-arranged room

So were trolley theives....LOL

So I just had to post this as one of my first (1st/one of many) since coming to university. So whenever I go to the supermarket I never take the trolley with me but this was a first for me. We went shopping and had too many bags and did have money (did not want to waste money) to get a taxi and plus it was raining so we took the trolley back to our flat (7mins away).  And then two days later mmy flatmates went to the supermaket (twice) after that and came home with trolleys. They were taking up too much space so we stacked them.
They were taken back a few days later in order to get the pounds back, that was the main reason we keep them to get the money back.


Thursday, 15 November 2012

Flatmates secretly trying to KILL me!

Yes the are!!! So where I live at university is very cold in the building so m flatmate decided to turn all the hobs on to gas mark 6 (highest) to warm up the room. What my flatmate failed to do was remove everything from the stove before doing this. So essentially in the end there was a  pan with a spatchula in it cover with a pot lid on the hob, and after sometime when we enter the kitchen and were talking we smelt something strange and began to feel very hot. Looking over at the stove the pan was smoking................result below..........see their trying to kill me, slowly but surely.  So now I have banned my flatmate from playing with the stove or heating up the room as the results are not funny.

Burnt pan and plastic spatchula.......

Crushed molded pumpkin left for over a week.....

Just when I thought it was over I found a bag of molded and decomposed pumpkin behind the bin. This had been there since a few days after Halloween. So now I'm being killed by smell, the worst kind. Sorry the pic isn't a good one but I was not opening that bag (never).

Okay so funniest story has to be my flatmate who had a little accident with candles (the nice way to put it). So I'm in my room watching Dirty Dancing 2  and the movie comes to an end I hear loud movement in the room next to mine. A few seconds later my flatmate comes bursting into my room rambling, "DayDay I almost set my room on fire" and then leave in a panic. Honestly I thought she was mad and over reacting but thought i would check it out anyways. Going into her room  below is what I saw, but candles were still burning.

Well all of that said I'm sure I'm trying to kill them slowly with all my cleaning products (bleach etc) as I clean about twice a week sometimes.
Sorry :)


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Scandal Review

So I am a huge fan of the hit show "Scandal" created by Shonda Rhimes. She is also the creator of Greys Anatomy and Private Practice.

 Here above is Shonda in the middle, Kerry Washington the star of the show on the right and Shonda's inspiration for the character Judy Smith.

My favorite character is Olivia Pope and I think they picked the perfect actress to play her, none other that Kerry Washington. I like the fact that Olivia is this powerful, successful, fearless, confident black woman. This empowers black women and will give some something to aspire to, which is a great thing.  For instance Olivia plays a woman who worked in the white house and was the presidents right hand woman (person).
In reality American political scientist and diplomat, Condoleezza Rice served as the 66th United States Secretary of State, and was the second person to hold that office in the administration of  President George Bush. Rice was the first female African-American secretary of state, as well as the second African American (after Colin Powell), and the second woman (after Medeline Albright).....Now isn't that success as a black woman something to aspire to?

The storyline has Olivia Pope and the President (Fitz) having an affair which they end in the second season (S02EO4).

Now I'm a person who doesn't believe in adultery but the concept that the President could be having an affair is not that hard to believe. Having said that I would not like to think the current president would have had one (which I doubt he has), but many things in life fail to shock me. Anyways although I do not believe in adultery I do love Olivia and Fitz together. Having said that I like the president and the first lady Millie together when she's not being a bitch and he's not being a vicious towards her. In those rare moments they are beautiful together but in their relationship Millie and Fitz have probably had to sacrifice a lot more than most couples due to his career and politics.

I also like Hawk the troubled (former assasin...i think) who works for Olivia. I love the mystery behind his character and the dark thing about him. Part of me wanted him and Olivia to hook up as they seem like the would work....hmmm interesting I know. 
The character Quinn Perkins is one I had to warm to as she was annoying me at first but since she came out from jail and stood up for herself  to Abby who's been getting on ma damn nerves, I am liking her more.

The only thing that is slightly annoying me is where the story of "Olivia and Fitz" is going. So I am a Grey's Anatomy fan, which is another of Shonda Rhimes shows which I still watch today and have seen every single episode. But although I am a fan I hated the storyline of Meredith Grey and Derick Shepherd as times. It was like Shonda did not want the characters to be happy and longed out their relationship though Addision, Fin (the vet), George (disaster) and Rose.

I just hope that is Scandal has a run as long as Grey's has done that they are not longing out Olivia and Fitz's relationship. I hope she allows both characters to be happy with each other or without each other.What I have also found is that Shonda has characters such as Addison Forbes Montgomery-Shepherd, introduced at the end of Season 1 (i think). When introduced she is a strong woman who as the seasons progress becomes this weak woman. Why? We loved Addison....the strong...confident Addie!!! Again I hope that Olivia the strong, self sufficient, confident, powerful woman does not fade into a distant memory. #

Anyways to all those who have not seen SCANDAL you need to watch it....and you will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

9 Months Natural

So it's been nine months since I cut all my hair off and went natural and it has been an interesting journey. So my hair is back....YAY!!! Well these past nine months have been really easy considering I had my hair in extensions ever since it was long enough to braid. Yes I know so many woman who are on their natural hair journey would not like to hear this but a new look takes time to get usto (yes 9months as it is constantly changing/growing). Everyone's journey is different and despite if everyone says they love my hair/new look I have to love it first! My opinion and confidence is whats most important!!! I'm not going to lie and say I don't miss how silky and smooth my hair was when it was permed because I do. And there are times when I miss my hair how it was but I obviously can't change that I just have to have patience...wait for my hair to grow.

Well my hair in my opinion is still thin which was my worry when I did my big chop in February of this year. I have always had thin hair and I hoped if i was to be natural for the rest of my life (as i did not cut it all off for nothing just to perm it again) that it would be thick, luscious and beautiful. It's only been 9months and I know it always takes time so I will have patience, but will it be thick? I'm sure in a few months, like 9 more I will be happy with my hair cause I am getting tired of the hair extensions (may try weave for a while tho). Part of me wonders if I will ever be happy with my hair again? I want to love my hair but I just don't like how I look with it? Anyways here are a few pics of my hair at 9months and will keep updating, probably at my 1year mark I will do a video and then again at 2yrs. The day I actually go out doors with my natural I will absoutley update that milestone in my Natural Hair Journey.



This is me 9 months natural and looking beautiful :)