
Loving who I am...Black & Beautiful

Friday, 8 March 2013


Disclaimer: This is my opinion, if you are offended then.....also to any "offensive" t-shirt wearers God loves you even if I don't!

Okay so I was browsing my Facebook and came across a picture of a guy wearing a disrespectful T-Shirt which said "Jesus is a Cunt" and I have to say I was highly offended, even angered to say the least. I was actually thankful I was not out "on a night out" and saw that as I would have just been in a bad mood.  I was actually amazed that someone had created such a t-shirt. So t satisfy my curiosity  i decided to google it, which i felt horrible typing Jesus is a C*** in my search engine...also it being in my search history. Anyways from my search I found other people wearing the same tshirt. What U do not understand is why? If you do not know about something and ignorantly bliss then why hate?!?


If you chose not to believe in Jesus then why disrespect...why not accept and be a respectful upstanding member of society? Just looking at these images makes me cringe and frustrates me but what can I do.....everyone is entitles to freedom of speech and to express themselves how they want. What I can say is that I can be a  lackadaisical Christian at times just this not one of those times. I believe I am a daughter of the most high and you call him a .....so essentially your calling me a c***. 

So what is the t-shirt for people rebelling....not wanting to conform? Rebelling against the one who made it possible for you to even exist. Oh wait never mind  he did not create you as you probably believe you evolved from monkeys.

Now I do not believe in Allah but I do not find it funny for people to make fun of any religion and being straight up disrespectful! Looking at this image below I'm in shock can't believe this guy actually showed his face.

So you wanna call my Jesus a c*** well your a...............okay well Jesus would want me to be more like him and forgive....turn the other cheek. Okay so because I know I'm human and I can only strive to be like him I will hold my tongue but be blissfully ignorant but seriously be SILENT (in what you wear and say). But you can wear what you want and degrade but I and many others will were other things that will uplift, inspire and praise his name...JESUS. 


As an Adventist & Christian I implore you stand up for what you believe and not just accept things because it is what is happening. 

I will stand up for Christ, will you?
I am PROUD to love JESUS are you? ( damn i did not go to church all my life, have family worship for 23 years and get baptized for nothing.....for so anybody to disrespect.)

Dear Jesus,
I do not know how you do it as if it was me I would just say "gimme me back my breath", but then I guess half the world would be dead so there's a reason you have the power and I don't :)  
I pray and ask you to help me to be patient with the ignorant people of this world and to be more like you. I thank you for live and all you have done for me, I also so pray for "those" people too (Lord you know how hard it was for me to say that.....keep that in mind). 


Daughter of the King  (DOTK)


  1. This post is AWESOME! Even jesus himself would roll over in his grave for this one! Pure comicgenius, with the added grammatical errors slewn about the commentary like they were unintentional, we are resulted with a piece, frozen in time, PURE GOLD!
