
Loving who I am...Black & Beautiful

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Newly Natural

Okay so this is my "Relaxed to Natural Hair Journey", the full story from the very beginning.

Life of Relaxed Hair

Well I had relaxed hair for 6 years since my last year in secondary school. I had relaxed my hair because I wanted an easier hairstyle and a change if I'm going to be honest. For years I had had my hair in Kinky Hair Extension Twists and box braids as it was easy to maintain, "get up and go" protective hair style. I relaxed my hair for my secondary school graduation in 2006. I wanted a weave with a parting and I needed my hair to be natural for that so it need to be permed. Yes I could have had a full head weave (which i later wish I had) but I was intent on having this hairstyle and looking perfect for Graduation. Funny how straight hair = perfect to me......and only straight. So when i first permed my hair it did not take so I had my hair straightened and bonded (later realized was not good for my hair) in for my graduation.

Me at my Graduation x

Relaxed Hair Treatment

So while my hair was relaxed I treated it pretty well and I tried to be consistent. I straightened my hair a lot of the time, which my parents hated as they said it smelled like burnt hair. I usually washed my hair, dried it and then straightened it. I would put olive oil creme in to my hair along with heat protector (sometimes) before I straightened it. I would make sure to do this to protect my hair from the heat.

I did not always treat my hair the best so from 2006 when I got it done till 2012, as I cut  my hair a few times during this as it was damaged.  During these years I put my hair in weave and extensions (protective styles.....didn't know they were called that then...lol) as they were an easy solution.


On February 7th 2012 (my mum and sister birthday) I finally did the plunge and cut off all my hair. I had been transitioning for 4 months, and couldn't take looking at my damaged hair so I went to the barbers (the one on Philip Lane, Tottenham). My initial reaction to my hair was OMG...What did I just do? I am a person who loves hair and now all my hair was gone. Although I have never had thick hair, as my hair is very thin and light I loved big hair. Thankful to weaves and hair extensions I was able to have big hair. After leaving the barbers I put on my hat and went home, it was still cold in February so the hat was needed.

It was a strange feeling running my hand through my hair/ I mean on my hair. An even stranger feeling when my parents and sister wanted to feel my hair. Looking at my self was strange without my hair so I did not do it as much, which is real strange for me as I am extremely VAIN.....yes I said it! A downside of no hair was that my head and neck  was always cold so I wore a lot of hoodies and hats. I felt naked with no hair....vulnerable (if that makes any sense), I had nothing.....no hair to hide behind. Like on a day when I feel like CRAP, probable PMS'ing with no make up on I could hide behind my hair now I was exposed. It's like with this hair you have to look on point always or it is more noticeable. I had not worn  make-up for a few months (was broke :( so i was going natural) but being without hair i felt a need to have it...BADLY! The day after my big chop I went to college and I wore a wig and I have everyday since.







Reactions to my "BIG CHOP"

Well the reactions to my new hair varied to be completely honest. So my oldest sister went with me to the barbers to get my hair cut, my mum was supposto go with me but she couldn't. My mother had dreadlocks years ago and cut them off and has had natural hair ever since (cut short). My sister that went with me had did her big chop one month earlier (1st Jan 2012). She loved it and was super excited....couldn't stop looking at my hair days...weeks later looking for growth and curls.
My beautiful Mummy x
My other sister was in shock when she saw my hair although she knew I was going to do it anyways. Every time she saw me, the week after I had done my hair she would get shocked all over again because she would forget I had done it and then look up and see all my hair gone. Parents loved it, some YouTube'ers liked it too and friends like the pics they saw as not many people have see my actual natural hair. My mum has had short (TWA) natural hair for years and it suited her, she looks beautiful but I just didn't think mine looked as nice and showed off all my true beauty.
So far nobody has hated it but even if they did....Forget You...oh oh oh (in the voice of Celo Green). Because I did not cut my hair for you so I shouldn't give a damn what you think!!!

4 Months Natural

Okay so  I have been natural for 4 months and it has been interesting....very interesting. Honestly I am still not comfortable with my hair, myself and how it looks. I want to be at the place where I am comfortable to go out without a wig and be comfortable with others seeing my hair. I am PROUD of my hair honestly and the progress. I love looking at my hair and seeing how healthy it is. One thing I have not done is put gel in my hair since I have cut my hair. I love the look and feel of my hair once it is washed so I cannot bring myself to put gel into my hair. When my hair grows i will use gel for the edges but now I refuse to put gel all over my hair.

One thing I love about my short "Afro" after by big chop is washing my hair and how simple and easy it has been. Love being able to have a shower and wash my hair knowing that it will dry very quickly.

What products do I use???

1. Olive Oil
2. Almond Oil (mixture)
3.  Shea Butter & Oil (mixture)
4. African Pride Moisturizer Lotion
5. MIADI Hair Food - This product was bought in Kenya (on my holiday last year summer) and is amazing. It smells great, makes my hair feel wonderful and is enriched with Vitamin E and Beeswax, which helps in retaining water. I have just run out of this so as my Dad is going back in a few day I will definitely get him to bring me back about 5 tubs when he returns in a few months. I should be set as it lasted me about 10months, so 5 will be great :) It is manufactured in Nairobi, Kenya so it maybe be hard to find or purchase just in case you were wondering.

Advice for new naturals...

My advice for newly naturals would be it is important to find the products that are good for you hair. Everybody's hair is different and what would work for someone else may not work for you so do some research for YOURSELF. Knowledge is power and knowing why your using something is good rather than following what everyone else is doing. YouTube is a good source of information, advice and peoples personal testimonies. There maybe times when you may be feeling insecure about your new journey and the way you look but there are so many other women going through the same thing, so you are not alone. You could use YouTube as an outlet or as a way of encouraging someone who really needs it. Watching some peoples videos on YouTube has been very useful and helpful on this new journey. Anything that is new takes time to get usto so allow yourself that time.You don't have to love your new look now or even tomorrow just allow yourself to adjust to change and to see the bigger picture. One thing I will say is remember when you were a child and your mum usto do your hair, most never did anything extravagant. They washed it (shampoo and conditioner), dried it, cornrowed it and then repeated the cycle in 2weeks....at least that's what my mum did and my hair grew and was healthy. Until l I was old enough to do my own hair and I messed it up in the end so I'm starting from scratch. Just keep in mind simple is sometimes best....meaning not excess amounts of products, don't play in it too much (when in extensions hair may grow faster because it is resting and your hands are not always in it) and just think of your childhood....did your hair GROW???

Stay positive and be blessed x

Check out my BIG CHOP video below: 

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