
Loving who I am...Black & Beautiful

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Achieving my DREAMS!!!

Well since the Olympic Games 2012 begun I have watched and I am inspired. Watching all these (some) young people achieve their dreams or come close and compete in the games motivated me to fight harder to achieve my dreams.

I do believe sometimes you have to be a little selfish when it comes to your dreams and your happiness as nobody is looking out for you more than you. In years past I have always know what I wanted but have not pushed hard enough to get it and have put others before myself which was a mistake.

Having a POSITIVE Network of People

Now this is extremely important if you are going to achieve in life. Positive people will be friends who will encourage, give you positive criticism, uplift you and most of all they want whats best for you. If you have 40 so called friends and only 5 are positive people in your life the you don't necessarily need the 35 additional ones in you inner circle. On the way to the top you may have to let some people go if you do nothing for your life as that is just dead weight.

I was reading an article on the ESSENCE Magazine website with an interview with actress Lisa Raye and she said "I'm friends of none and associates of everybody. I've learned to appreciate people being in my life for a reason and a season."

You would think being in Hollywood and being as successful as she is she would have many friends but she doesn't and realizes key distinctions in the categories of people around her. I have always put people into these groups and their definitions, which may be different for various people.

These are the most important people, they include all my family immediate an extended. The intermediate family is the most important people and your main support.
These are the family you pick for yourself and these people should be chosen carefully. In my case I do not have many of these but I believe it 's better to have one true friend than 20 fake ones.

These people are very important as they are my connections to achieving my dreams. These people I call about business related things and are high on the list because my relationship with them is VITAL.
These are just people you know
 These are just people (some friends and family) you know, who you use this network to keep in touch with.
Very important people as they are your support and nobody supports and cheers you on better than your FANS.

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